OLED Microdisplay

OLED Microdisplay

Base on 8" wafer design, our great partner can offer 0.1x" - 1" OLED Microdisplay, resolution 1,000-20,000 ppi, life span > 20 k hrs, super low power consumption and other optical sensors. as eye tracking function or other application.

Evaluation kit available : 0.19" mono chrome, 0.64" RGB ,1" RGB.

We offer a package of wafer, a certain amount deposit for 25 pcs wafer, PCB and driving board.

Backplane design service : The schedule include building block change and mask set change with foundry.
Re-design need 12-18 months.
New design need 18-24 months.
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Pixel Technology

Based on our partner's know-how to improve pixel technology for OLED, we can do Feasibility study and R&D research.

OLED Microdisplay