Evaluating TSMC's 2nm Process Node and Fraunhofer IPMS Silicon Capacitors in Backside Power Delivery (BSPDN)


Evaluating TSMC's 2nm Process Node and Fraunhofer IPMS Silicon Capacitors in Backside
Power Delivery (BSPDN)

As TSMC movestoward its 2nm process node, challenges like noise and leakage current become increasingly significant due to the smaller transistor geometries and higher transistor densities. These issues can impact the performance and power efficiency of advanced semiconductor devices. To address these challenges, TSMC has considered implementing Backside Power Delivery Networks (BSPDN), where the power delivery is moved to the backside of the wafer, directly supplying power to transistors. Here's how Fraunhofer IPMS's silicon capacitors could play a role:

1. Fraunhofer IPMS Silicon Capacitors in BSPDN

  • Potential Integration: Fraunhofer IPMS's silicon capacitors, known for their high capacitance density, low Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR), and excellent temperature
    stability, could potentially be integrated into TSMC's BSPDN architecture. These capacitors could provide localized decoupling and noise filtering at the transistor level, helping to stabilize the power supply and reduce voltage fluctuations that cause noise.
  • Benefits:   
    • Noise Reduction: The integration of these capacitors directly into the BSPDN could effectively reduce high-frequency noise by providing stable power directly to the transistors. This would be particularly useful in high-performance computing (HPC) and AI applications, where power integrity is critical.  
    • Leakage Mitigation: While Fraunhofer IPMS silicon capacitors themselves do not directly reduce leakage current, their ability to stabilize power delivery could indirectly mitigate issues related to leakage by ensuring that transistors receive consistent voltage, thus reducing the likelihood of leakage-inducing voltage spikes.

2. TSMC Without BSPDN and Using Fraunhofer IPMS Silicon Capacitors

  • Alternative Approach: If TSMC decides not to implement BSPDN, Fraunhofer IPMS's silicon capacitors could still be deployed on the front side of the chip for power decoupling and noise filtering.
  • Impact on Leakage and Noise:   
    • Leakage Reduction: While these capacitors do not inherently reduce leakage current, they can help by maintaining more consistent voltage levels, which can prevent the conditions that exacerbate leakage.  
    • Noise Suppression: The capacitors' low ESR and high capacitance density make them effective at filtering out noise, which is crucial as transistors shrink and become more sensitive to power supply variations.

  • With BSPDN: Integrating Fraunhofer IPMS silicon capacitors into a BSPDN structure could significantly improve noise reduction and power integrity in TSMC's 2nm process, contributing to better overall performance and potentially mitigating some leakage-related issues. 
  • Without BSPDN: While not as effective as a full BSPDN approach, using Fraunhofer IPMS silicon capacitors in traditional power delivery networks could still provide valuable noise suppression and help manage power-related issues in advanced nodes like 2nm.

Recommendation: If TSMC aimsfor maximum performance and power efficiency, combining BSPDN with Fraunhofer IPMS's silicon capacitors would likely yield the best results. However, even without BSPDN, these capacitors can play a significant role in enhancing the electrical characteristics of 2nm chips​.